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  The Importance of Firewall Software Cannot Be Overstated
By Mase M Mwanda

The internet today has transformed the way we access and use information. Information is at our figure tips and how much we benefit from it depends on how well we apply it in our daily activities. Awesome hallmarks emanating from the advent of internet technology encompasses Internet Banking, E-commerce, E-learning and much more. The importance of the internet and computer systems at large cannot be overstated or overemphasized. While this is a lucrative scenario of today's world, there is a downside pertaining to risks of connecting your computer system or laptop to the internet or network. There is a threat of viruses, malware, spyware, key loggers, and unauthorized access to information and so forth. This poses great danger to unwary computer users.

The use of antivirus firewall software can help minimize this risk. Purchasing an antivirus software or firewall solution is a great investment; however, if you cannot afford one, there is a great deal of free antivirus and firewall software on the internet. Prevention is better than cure and this can be done by installing software firewalls, hardware routers or wireless routers.

Software firewall solutions are great for single or standalone computer or laptop systems. They work well on a majority of operating systems (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Me and many more). The latest operating systems such as Windows 7, vista and XP have their own built in effective firewalls; hence getting an additional firewall solution is not that necessary but can help keep things safe. Firewall software is relatively easy to install and boost numerous advantages such as the fact that you do require additional hardware, wiring or other related items. Their main downfall is that they are rather costly (the best firewall solutions come with a hefty price tag). Another factor to consider is that one copy is typically requires for each computer or laptop system.

In terms of hardware routers, these a great choice for home networks that are connected to the internet. Hardware routers (in most cases) have at least four network ports that connect multiple computer systems or laptops together. Wiring is required for these and once installed; hardware routers can provide firewall protection for a number of computers. There is also an option for wireless routers which allow you to connect computer systems, personal desk assistants, printers and other peripherals without any wiring. Wireless routers are great for connecting laptops, computers or notebooks to the internet or other networks.

While wireless connectivity has its advantages, it is rather costly to acquire the equipment as well as get a technician to install it. Another disadvantage is that wireless devices broadcast or transfer information using radio signals posing a threat as a third party outside your premises can intercept the information easily using advanced equipment. Additionally, it is also worth mentioning that not all routers come equipped with a built-in firewall meaning that you will have to buy one separately. Prior to installing any protection in terms of firewall software, wireless routers and hardware routers it is important to look at hardware and software review sites as well as consult knowledgeable computer technicians.

About the Author:
Mase is a passionate computer technician based in Johannesburg, South Africa. http://www.antivirusfirewallsoftware.co.za


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