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WordPress SEO Success in 9 Steps By Roger Neves I am always amazed when I discover that many people who make use of WordPress do not actually know anything about WordPress SEO. They have basically no knowledge of the workings of the SEO tips and training that is imperative for their online success. I do not advise you to ignore that WordPress SEO training as you would be doing yourself more harm than good. Once you make a wonderful combination of SEO and WordPress, you would be amazed yourself at the possibilities that could result from such a combination. Trying to effectively tap into the wonders of SEO without using WordPress is essentially like trying to fill up a Jacuzzi with a basket. Basically, I can tell you of two WordPress programs that would achieve the desired effect for you. I know that there are many people out there who would smile at the prospect of making money, but are decidedly hesitant about spending some investment along the way. Whatever your decision, the basic thing to do is to strike fast and learn the best way to make money through the use of your blog. To do this, you would have to commence your SEO training. What is SEO? Well, it is an abbreviated form for search Engine Optimization, and it simply is the best and effective way of getting your website to have a better placement on the search engines. There are probably a thousand and one reasons people may choose for going along with the WordPress option, but most of all, people often use WordPress for getting viewers, subscribers and also to make money. 1. Host your blog on your own domain: if you are considering blogging for fun or for personal purposes, hosting on WordPress might be okay, but not for a business blog. For your business, you should host your blog using your own domain name at a hosting site. This gives you more freedom, and is also best to get the best results in a search engine. 2. Check the titles and the tag lines: Make sure your title has your main keywords clearly stated. Ensure that your tag line is effectively stated in as naturally a language as possible. Only use your business name if your company name is one that is recognized 3. Check your basic SEO Settings: This is the most important step. Make sure you have made everyone able to see your blog in your privacy settings. Do not block search engines. It is an option that might be fine if you were using a personal blog, but for a business, it is shooting yourself in the foot. 4. Enable the Akismet Plugin: this will help you combat the inevitable spam comments. 5. Install the all in one SEO Pack. It is also a very helpful SEO Plugin on WordPress. 6. Install Google XML Sitemaps Plugin. This will help the robots crawl your websites effectively 7. Install robots Meta Plugin: This can control the robots and tell them what not to crawl. 8. Install google friendly images Plugin: 9. Install WordPress backup - this will help to automatically backup your WordPress installations daily. About the Author: This is not everything, nut these are the basics you should install. Premium Wordpress Themes - Out of the box solutions for small business and pro bloggers. Take your blogs to the next level now with the most popular and high quality [http://wpclassifieds.net]premium Wordpress themes! |
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